I am! I am! We are still working on the details but the lovely Ali Hohn and I are working to schedule a workshop for all you Nashville photographers. I am super duper excited. If you don’t know who she is here is a brief she is an awesome photographer who taught herself how to use off camera flash. She now travels the states teaching workshops for those of us, me included, that don’t know as much as they would like to know about off camera flash. I stole this little brief about me section from her blog:

Welcome to a great place to learning Off Camera Flash. This is by far my favorite aspect of photography and I am so happy that you want to learn how to do this. I taught myself how to do off camera flash and I hope that you will learn a lot from me.

Here are a few details that I do know for sure: It will be June 5th – 7th, the price is $600.00, $250 due by April 10th and the rest due by March 25th. If you are interested feel free to email me, and I will get you on the list. Can’t wait to see all of your bright and shiny faces! 🙂


We have postponed this till September in order to give people enough time to save some $$$. This will be super awesome and I can’t wait to do this!